Young Academics

Nurturing Young Talent

Your thesis is the culmination of your academic achievements. Much research, time and energy goes into writing your final paper and completing it successfully is an accomplishment that you are right to be proud of. It is therefore not surprising that many students decide to turn their thesis into a book. Besides being a final flourish, deciding for a book publication has many practical benefits.

We believe in the ideas and fresh perspectives that young authors have to offer. Recognising a significant discrepancy within the research community, we thus decided to establish our series, Young Academics, and offer authors a professional platform to disseminate their research at a relatively early stage in their career and gain recognition as a scholar.


Why Publish with Tectum Verlag?

  • Editorial and publishing support
  • Standing orders from university libraries
  • Professional marketing services
  • Individualised publishing options
  • Recognition within academic community
  • Entry into the eLibrary catalogue
  • Comprehensive metadata maintenance
  • Detailed press reviews
  • Complimentary print copies
  • Permanent availability

Celebrating Individuality

At Tectum Verlag, we believe that every manuscript is unique. Our publishing support is equally tailored to suit authors’ individual needs. In accordance with this motto, we offer authors the option to customise their publications for a nominal fee. Select your preferences from our list below.

Open Access

Publishing research is an integral aspect of academia. Licence-free publications are recognised more widely and enjoy a higher citation impact, thus contributing even further to the academic community.

Illustrations in Colour

Illustrations and diagrams in high-quality print is a critical measure of the quality of your book. Printing in colour enables you to demonstrate your points clearly and effectively.

Professional Proofreading

Eliminate even the slightest errors with our professional proofreading services. Simply request a quotation.


While eBooks are often published as PDFs, we advise publishing them in an eBook file format (EPUB). EPUB is supported by a wide range of e-readers and software and dynamically adapts to the user’s screen, thus offering a user-friendly reading experience.

Author Discounts

In addition to complimentary print copies, Young Academic authors are entitled to discounts on further print copies of their book.

Social Media

Being connected is important. We are glad to support you and help you build your network through our Tectum Verlag author community – both digitally and IRL.

  • Moritz Kinskofer

  • Alexander Litvinenko

  • Désirée Blank

  • Coco Deck

Moritz Kinskofer

Kinskofer ist ein Autor bei Young Academics

„Eine Zusammenarbeit beim Tectum Verlag zahlt sich dank der Professionalität und Hilfsbereitschaft des gesamten Teams sowie der schnellen, aber hochwertigen Drucksetzung durch den Verlag aus. Die Betreuung im Vorfeld und während des Publikationsprozesses war stets transparent und lässt auch nach der Veröffentlichung nicht zu wünschen übrig. Damit erweist sich der Verlag gerade auch für angehende Autor:innen als eine sehr gute Wahl für die erste Publikation.”

Alexander Litvinenko

Young Academics Autor Alexander Litvinenko

„Der Tectum Verlag bot mir die Möglichkeit, meine Bachelorarbeit unter für Studierende finanziell leistbaren Bedingungen zu veröffentlichen. Überdies empfand ich die Zusammenarbeit mit den Lektor:innen stets als verlässlich und angenehm. Am Ende des Publikationsprozesses hielt ich meine Thesis als erstes Druckexemplar in den Händen. Ich kann daher den Tectum Verlag und insbesondere die Young Academics-Initiative uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen”.

Désirée Blank


„Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Tectum Verlag war immer sehr freundlich und kompetent. Ich bin froh dieses Projekt zusammen mit Tectum umgesetzt zu haben, da ich immer schnelle und hilfreiche Antworten auf meine Fragen bekommen habe. Bei Folge-Veröffentlichungen würde ich den Tectum Verlag immer wieder ansprechen.”

Coco Deck

Autorin Coco Deck hat ihre Abschlussarbeit "Das smarte Bad" im Tectum Verlag veöffentlicht

„Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich mit dem Tectum Verlag die Möglichkeit bekommen habe, meine Masterarbeit professionell zu veröffentlichen, und dass ich meine Arbeit damit einem neuen Publikum zugänglich machen konnte. Der Prozess war sehr angenehm –ich wurde ausführlich beraten und zuverlässig betreut.”


What are the advantages of traditional publishing?

As a young author, you are probably concerned with disseminating your research findings as swiftly and effectively as possible. Upon further contemplation, you may come to the conclusion that publishing is more than just “printing a book”. In fact, printing is simply one aspect of the entire publishing process.

At Tectum Verlag, you not only profit from our guidance and support but also from our industry knowledge, experience and credibility as a renowned academic publisher. Through our years of experience, we are able to navigate the world of publishing with a nose for avoiding typical pitfalls. Our credibility and standing in the industry, as well as our network of bookstores and libraries, ensures that your book is marketed and distributed successfully in order for you to gain the recognition you need as a young academic.


What prerequisites must my manuscript fulfil?

Tectum Verlag is renowned for publishing theses that have been graded High Distinction, First-Class Honours or similar. In order to consider your thesis, we first conduct a comprehensive review of your manuscript. To do so, we require both your manuscript and the grading report. To publish your work, we also require a short foreword from your professor. Do note that in publishing, we require a minimum page count of 90 pages. In certain cases, this means that you might have to expand your existing manuscript.

Which documents should I submit?

In order to be able to provide you with a quotation and a contractual offer, we require the complete manuscript as well as your grading report and postal address.

Why does it cost money to publish a book?

Our priority is to keep our promise of providing you with quality service. This entails our individual author guidance, high-quality printing in Germany, the implementation of marketing strategies and the continuous maintenance of metadata. Despite our best efforts, we are unable to cover the expenses incurred through sales alone. Academic publications are primarily sold to libraries who, through the purchase of a few individual copies, make a single publication available to a large number of readers whom we are then no longer able to count on as customers. It is for this reason that academic authors receive remuneration from VG WORT. We will gladly advise you further on funding opportunities and support you in your applications.

What are the advantages of Open Access?

Tectum Verlag is a champion of publishing on the Open Access network. Licence-free publications not only enjoy higher visibility, and, consequently, have a higher citation impact, but also play an essential role in furthering academic research. In an era where content is increasingly being made freely available to access, publishing companies play the role of quality-controller. We would be happy to assist and support all young academics who are keen to make waves in the academic community by making their work available to read on Open Access. We would thus be glad to advise you on the various licences and publishing formats available to choose from.

Where will my book be sold?

Long before your release date, details of your publication are registered with the Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher (VLB), thereby appearing on the German National Library’s weekly catalogue of new releases and ensuring that it is easily found by interested parties. Each new release is boosted by search engine optimizers to ensure that your book is found by Google. Customers can then place an order directly at our online shop or at the Tectum eLibrary. Through the registration with the VLB and Amazon, your book is distributed in over 120 digital bookstores internationally (Amazon Kindle Shop, Apple iBook Store, Thalia, Weltbild etc.). It is featured in our biannual catalogues which are sent out to long-standing contacts in the publishing industry, private customers, selected bookstores and libraries across Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

How does VG WORT work?

All published authors are automatically entitled to receive remuneration from VG WORT. VG WORT is an association that champions the rights and entitlements of authors and collects fees from libraries for the multiple use of purchased books by third-parties. The collections, which are determined on an annual basis, are then distributed equally to all authors registered with VG WORT. Do note that in order to qualify for the remunerations, you must first sign a contract with VG WORT and register your new book with them. For more information, please visit the VG WORT website.

Will I have to relinquish my author rights?

Your rights and interests as the author of your work are protected by statutory copyright laws (§ 11 UrhG). The contract that you draw with Tectum Verlag solely grants Tectum Verlag user rights. This entitles us to reproduce and distribute physical copies of your work, make these accessible to the public and distribute them accordingly. Additionally, it enables us to store electronic copies in databases and electronic data carriers and accords us the right to distribute and reproduce them in electronic form. You shall still be lawfully recognised as the author of your work.

Am I permitted to publish an abridged version of my work post-publication?

You may certainly publish an abridged version of your work in an editorial collection or scholarly journal. According to statutory copyright laws (UrhG), authors are permitted to “re-publish” up to 15 percent of their word count in a separate publication twelve months after the book release. You are also entitled to receive remuneration for the publication of an article in a scholarly journal.

Our Programme



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Fachbereich Kunstwissenschaft
Art and Culture

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Cultural Studies

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Literary Studies

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Young Academics Medien und Kommunikation
Media and Communication

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Religious Studies

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Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft im Nomos Verlag

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Theatre Studies

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Social Sciences

Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft
Sustainability Science

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Fachbereich Pädagogik I

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Fachbereich Pflegewissen

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Political Science

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Social Work

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Social Psychology

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Young Academics Soziologie

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Economic Science

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