Subject area Sustainability Science

Subject area

In the German-speaking research scene, too, the term Environmental Humanities (Nachhaltigkeitshumanwissenschaften) is increasingly gaining acceptance for research contributions from the humanities and humanities. The emergence of this research cluster emphasises the complementarity with findings from the natural sciences. Papers from those fields, which have always been among the mainstays of Tectum Verlag’s programme, are therefore very welcome.

Monographs on Sustainability

Books on sustainability topics such as consumerism or environmental ethics have characterised the Tectum Verlag programme for many years. Sustainability science is still a relatively young discipline that is both interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary. With the further development of the programme focus, we would like to bring these contributions together in one forum. A particular focus is on research findings from disciplines in the cultural and social sciences, economics and law. By bundling the findings, they can be perceived, compared and researched in their entirety.

Edited Collection: Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft

What is sustainability? Why should we think and act sustainably at all? The series deals with fundamental questions about the relationship between humans and nature, the identification of ecological and environmental problems, the development of solution strategies and the discussion of existing solutions. The authors come from various disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, creating interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives on the topic.

Dissertations and other research papers appear in this series published by Tectum Verlag.

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Young Academics: Environmental Studies

The series publishes outstanding theses from the interdisciplinary field of Environmental Studies. Focusing on the relationship between humans and nature, the authors deal primarily with the topics of biodiversity, climate change, environmental pollution and resource conservation. The aim is to understand environmental problems and develop sustainable solutions with the help of political and social measures.

The series, published by Tectum Verlag, provides a platform especially for young scientists and enables Bachelor’s and Master’s students to actively participate in the scientific discourse.

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Young Academics: Sustainability Science

The series publishes outstanding theses from all disciplines of the social sciences and humanities on the topic of sustainability, also with links to the natural sciences. The authors deal with the theory, research and implementation of sustainability, sustainable development and sustainability strategies. Viewed from different perspectives, the overall picture of the series demonstrates the highly interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of sustainability science and the importance of dialogue between the disciplines.

Published by Tectum Verlag, the series serves to promote young academics and enables Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates to actively participate in academic discourse.

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